More about my guides and who i channel

More about my guides and who i channel

  • My guardian and protector and one that I also Channel on a regular basis. Is ANU Anu, (Akkadian), Sumerian An, Mesopotamian sky god and a member of the triad of deities completed by Enlil and Ea (Enki). Like most sky gods, Anu, although theoretically the highest god, played only a small role in the mythology, hymns, and cults of Mesopotamia. He was the father not only of all the gods but also of evil spirits and demons, most prominently the demoness Lamashtu, who preyed on infants. Anu was also the god of kings and of the yearly calendar. He was typically depicted in a headdress with horns, a sign of strength.

His Sumerian counterpart, An, dates from the oldest Sumerian period, at least 3000 BC. Originally he seems to have been envisaged as a great bull, a form later disassociated from the god as a separate mythological entity, the Bull of Heaven, which was owned by An. His holy city was Uruk (Erech), in the southern herding region, and the bovine imagery suggests that he belonged originally to the herders’ pantheon. In Akkadian myth Anu was assigned a consort, Antum (Antu), but she seems often to have been confused with Ishtar (Inanna), the celebrated goddess of love.The two principal Sumerian divinities worshiped in ancient Erech appear to have been Anu (An), a sky god, and the goddess Inanna (“Queen of the Sky”). One of the chief landmarks of the city is the Anu ziggurat crowned by the “White Temple” of the Jamdat Nasr period, which was one of great prosperity—gold, silver, and copper were skillfully worked, and seals and amulets reflected a brilliant miniature craftsmanshipThe oldest of the Gods, Anu is the Ancestor of the Elder Gods. Not only that, He is also the Most High God of the Anunnaki. As He gradually removed Himself from daily activities, Anu would award his power (the “anutu”) to a succession of Gods – Enlil, Marduk, and later Assur. They became, in turn, the de facto Head of the Pantheon.

In several creation stories, Anu made the cosmos (sometimes He worked with Enlil). In these stories, He created demons to protect the realms of the Gods. The demons were also to keep the humans in check since their noise bothered Him.

In other myths, the Primeval Mother, Nammu the Sea created Anu and his sister-consort Ki. She separated Anu from Ki, with Him becoming the sky, and Ki, the earth. The two then created the other Gods and filled the earth and sky.Eventually, Anu retired to the highest of the three heavens. When He did, Anu ceded his power to Enlil, first. Anu can be regarded as the “Chairman of the Board.” Before any God can assume the leadership, They have to receive his blessing first. He also conferred authority to earthly rulers as well.

Lord of Creation
Lord of the Great Above
Lord of the Firmament
Supreme Authority
Founder of Kingship
The Great An
Sustainer of the Universe
Father of All Gods

Note: There are three heavens. Lowest: the Home of the Stars. Middle: the Home of the Gods. Highest: the Home of Anu

Part of a Hymn to Anu:
“O Prince of the Gods, whose utterance ruleth over the obedient company of the Gods; Lord of the horned crown, which is marvellously splendid; Thou travellest hither and thither on the raging storm; Thou standest in the royal chamber to be admired as a king.

At thy word the Gods cast themselves on the ground in a body like a reed on the stream; They command blows like the wind and causes food and drink to thrive; at the word the angry Gods turn back to their habitations.May all the Gods of heaven and earth appear before Thee with gifts and offerings; may the kings of the countries bring to Thee heavy tribute; may men stand before Thee daily with sacrifices, prayers, and adorations.